Minggu, 14 Januari 2018


The simple pastel recipe of crispy vermicelli content ...

By Dina sena

Just Sharing

Want for these recipes,

Again play to the house some taimes make pastel, with simple but crunchy material.
Alhamdulillah ade2 on scrambling hehe.
to the extent of want to Bagi2 to neighbors, baseball so, sorry yahh.

  Said husband is 'so delicious'.

thats simple bund materials, baseball pake expensive.

just Rp 10,000 can make a lot of pastel cake.

how make also very easy bund, if you do not have a wooden pake glass also be bund,very2 simple but the result is crisp and really nice, uppss heheh

immediately aja yuk bund we check the scene

Material for skin:
Wheat flour is 1/2 kg
Butter 6 tbsp Munjung
Warm water Kira2 aja ya sampe kalis (Kira2 batter
such as for dumpling skin)
Salt 1 tbsp

Filling material:
Corn vermicelli 1 bks
Garlic 3 pieces
Turmeric fingertips (may be skip)
Chilli (according to taste and may be skip)
Salt to taste
Masako to taste
Pepper to taste
Water about 3 tbsp

The oil for frying

How to make :
We make the skin first yaaa ..
Mix all leather ingredients except water, stir well and then enter warm water slightly until the dough is not sticky in hand and continue in adoni until smooth.
After the dough lid dough with plastic / with a clean cloth - the goal is not to harden and the dough is gently tggu Kira2 10 minutes ....

Creating stuffing
While waiting for the dough ....
Puree garlic, turmeric, chilli and salt then stir until fragrant then mix with Bihun mix well, after that water input, Masako, and cooking pepper about 5 minutes then lift and chill.

How to make the skin in the roll / roll until thin and then fill the vermicelli in the middle then fold it up to be like a half circle and edges on the press2 to paste in folding / braid like pastels.
If not yet able to use the technique from the tip of the skin in "press the tilt folding press" do until the dough runs out and then fry and serve ...

simple deh bund, try yuk at home.

More steady use peanut sauce.
Smoga useful yaaaa ...

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